How does it work?

An initial Pin is sent via SMS - in both email & text message format to customizable groups in any potential cadence. Based upon their response to the Pin and its resulting Active Pathway, the user will arrive at response-specific outcomes.

Do I need to download an app? 

No. This is a cross-platform WebApp so it will function and display seamlessly on Any Device, Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop, or PC.

What is the cost model?

There is a one-time setup & onboarding fee. Pathways such as the COVID-19 Wellness Screening are billed per month, per user. Additional Pathways can be added later when needed, at a discounted rate.


How do I get started & is there a training?

Contact us below and your Account Manager will reach out to answer any questions. They can share a demo of the platform and help you prepare your user data for upload.

Is this screening software only used for COVID-19?

No, the options are endless. We have clients using our technology to not only track population health, but also for Attendance, Workers Compensation Mitigation, Safety Check-ins, Virtual Wellness Visits and much more.

Am I able to make customizations or personalize?

Yes, many clients love the flexibility to personalize with company branding & configure workflows specific to their needs. All you have to do is ask.


What happens if I need help?

Text, Email or Call your Account Manager if you have questions about anything at any time. You can also email Support@PinPoint.us or call 888-750-2247 if you need assistance and an Associate will be happy to help.

Who uses your software?

We have clients of all sizes using our technology across many industries - Education, Construction, Senior Care, Local Government, Health Care, Live Events and many more.

How do I track status & results?

Each client has access to a corporate dashboard that updates in real-time. This will be reviewed as part of the initial on-boarding process to ensure teams or cohorts are set up properly,


What if symptoms or conditions change?

Pathways are adaptive & updates are real-time continuous. Triggers can be set to alert Admins or Managers should any number of potential factors update.

How long does it take to setup?

Upon order receipt, you could be screening people within minutes. We will reach out to introduce themselves and help prepare your data for upload. We will schedule testing and a kickoff call.

Is there a long term commitment?

No, this is a lightweight monthly subscription that can be stopped at any time. Discounts are available for yearly or multi-year contracts.