Enterprise Health Screening & Essential Emergency Notification Software
Our Wellness screening platform enables your business to open up safely and securely. Screen every employee or visitor in an instant for COVID-19 using PinPoint, and you’ll be ready to get back to business without worry.
We monitor in real-time the health of your staff, and with our live updates to the dashboard, you can know where attention is needed should there be a potential health exposure.
Decide when its safe for people to be at work
Direct people to resources for assistance
Track outreach activities & responses
HIPAA Compliant Wellness Screening for Staff & Visitors
Flexible & easy to update, with a quick implementation timeline. Nothing to download so can be completed anywhere, on any device.
Data is secured in a HIPAA-compliant cloud environment. Alerts are triggered on-demand, or based on frequency & condition changes.
Customized message & multi-language capable.
Active Threat Alert System
Nothing to Download & will display the same on Any Device
State Government & Law Enforcement Approved
Flexible Pathways that align to Internal Guidelines
Role-based Grouping & custom Broadcast Messaging
Quickly Communicate Critical Data via Email & Text Message
99.9% uptime with Unlimited Support & Training
Lockdown Drills & Assessments
Custom-designed to your specific needs & situation. Led by S.W.A.T. Team Leaders with real-world experience protecting schools & communities for over 30 years.
Safety Training
We offer a full range of class topics designed to prepare your team with a custom plan designed to meet the needs of your organization.