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At the onset of the pandemic, St. Mary’s County in Maryland needed an efficient way to screen their first responders and County employees for symptoms of COVID-19.

After successfully deploying PinPoint’s automated COVID wellness screening tool for all county employees, the decision was made to utilize our Online Behavioral Health Screening Tool to reach, screen and route county residents to mental health resources.

County residents are able to self-access themselves for symptoms of Depression and Anxiety on the Phone or Computer completing a PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 in the process.

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Flexible & easy to update, with a quick implementation timeline, Wellness Checks are bi-lingual can be completed anywhere, on any device.

Data is secured in a HIPAA-compliant cloud environment. Alerts are triggered on-demand, or based on frequency & condition changes.


Nothing to Download & Optimized for Any Device


State Government & Law Enforcement Approved


Flexible Pathways that align to PHQ-2 & PHQ-9 Guidelines


Role-based Grouping & Custom Broadcast Messaging


Quickly Communicate Critical Data via Email & Text Message


99.9% uptime with Unlimited Support & Training